Wednesday, June 4, 2008

photography competition

Sorry we haven't put anything here for a while but things are very busy in the media office. We are preparing for our 1st big campaign to run during learning disability week starting on 16th June.
Denise, Lynne, Zoe & Peter have held a photography competition for people with learning disabilities living in Coventry or Warwickshire. The competition closed last Friday and we had 91 entries!!!
Peter was joined by James, Rob and Ellen to judge the entries on Monday and after a couple of hours they managed to pick the winners, but it was very hard - the photos were very very good.
We have put all the pictures on a website so please do have a look, and tells us what you think: and see the winners.
We are going to have a show of the pictures at the Council House in Coventry from 16th -30th June and the Lord Mayor is presenting the trophies on the 17thJune.
But that's not all we have got happening over the next few weeks, so why not visit us again to find out more...


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