Tuesday, June 23, 2009

videos about rights

We have had the first of our rights videos posted on Central vision for learning disability week; hopefully we will have the other 2 by tomorrow. You can watch them by clicking on the following sites.
Christisne's story is at http://tinyurl.com/n2felf

Rishard's story is at http://tinyurl.com/mf72mm
Wewant to say a big thank you to Christine, Rishard, Mel and Nicolad for doing such a grand job.

As soon as we can we will have them on this site. Please have a look and tell us what you think.


Unknown said...


Just watched Christine's story and thought it was really good with clear messages.

I am co-ordinator of the Working Together with Parents network, a network for people working with parents with learning difficulties. I am going to send the link out to all our members so they can use it to raise awareness of parents with learning difficulties.

If anyone wants more information on this network, do contact me Beth.tarleton@bris.ac.uk

Unknown said...

Hi again.

I forgot the most important bit of my message! ;-)

There is a network for parents with learning difficulties too. Any parent or parents group can join. If you would like to join contact Fiona at CHANGE. Fiona@change-people.co.uk or 0113 388 0011. You will be kept up to date about what is happening for parents with learning difficulties

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